Appreciation Appreciates

Steven Lee
2 min readNov 26, 2020

This is my National Appreciation day.

So let’s talk about appreciation.

Appreciation is as much a part of love as affection, regard, respect, and support.

Appreciation sets the tone for your interactions with everyone.

Original artwork and words — Steven D. Lee

Appreciation allows you to approach everyone and everything from a place of compassion.

Appreciation allows you to see value, to see worth and not to take anything for granted.

Appreciation is under-appreciated.

In the midst of no feelings of appreciation, it is important to say the words of appreciation.

Appreciation forces our mind to change focus.

Appreciation is self sustaining.

Once the focus changes from what is bad in your life to appreciating the fact you can say that you appreciate it, your mind starts finding more things over which to appreciate.

Appreciation opens us up to experience the breath, and width and depth of the love, kindness, hope and trust in our lives.

Appreciation ties emotion to the unexpected gift. It breaks the chain of expectation and responds with celebration.

Appreciation recognizes the gift inherent in recognizing the grace of that gift.

It is no mistake that the degree to which you appreciate your life is the degree to which those things and people who you do appreciate come into your life.

Live your life as if it is a gift that is both given and received from others and you will appreciate that gift and other’s gifts even more.

Most importantly, appreciation allows us to experience the richness of life. A life not tied things but experiences. It provides a vacation from needing to be better than the Joneses. A vacation from needless competition. A vacation from not measuring up to others.

Today, take time off from desiring more or different and appreciate what you have.

In this way, the value of our life just appreciates, when we appreciate.



Steven Lee

Dreamer, geek, music lover, story-teller. Student of theology. Liver of life. Wise but foolish.